Wednesday, July 30, 2008

It's All Uphill From Here

It's begun, the ball is rolling, the check's in the mail. I received my application packet for certification in the mail two days ago. Odds are you are here reading from my other blog, and so you already know that I am a crybaby, but I have to admit I got a little misty when I saw the large brown envelope crunched into my mailbox. I put the girls to bed, made a cup of hot tea and sat down to dive into the application like a good book. I started making lists and filling out forms and today....they are in the mail!

Each day this gets more and more exciting! There's no turning back now. I have a few phone calls to make today regarding tax stuff and zoning issues and whether or not I will need an occupational license to operate, but then comes the fun stuff!

I will keep you updated!


Stephanie D said...

Wow, that just makes it so real, doesn't it? What kinds of plans are the girls making? Because they seem like they'd be so excited, even though they'll be in school so much of the day.

Anonymous said...

The girls just cannot wait to help. Olivia has already designated herself an employee and thinks her allowance should be reaised accordingly.

Anonymous said...

Another step taken!

Woa! Olivia may have a point. Better revisit your operations budget. Will she take her pay in popsicles?

Marchelle said...

just wanted to tell you i'm glad i found you here in bloggyland. i am in a "sitter situation" right now and am on the hunt for a new one. too bad we dont live closer! but, i will be referring to your previous post while on my search! thanks!